Sat 7 Jan 2012
I somehow thought that my first week of unemployment would be quiet, a chance to work on projects, do some reading, and generally decompress from the crunch of finishing off my fellowship.
Not quite.
So far in January, I have submitted one manuscript, been asked to author another, been sent a third to proof and review (has my name on it, but didn’t know it was coming until Wednesday), and been sent a set of figures to critique for another that’s been in limbo for almost a year. I’ve heard that one job possibility is likely not happening, and decided to apply for a faculty position, which is a whole ‘nother kind of application. The last few days have been consumed by writing teaching statements, assembling a portfolio containing all of my previous teaching experience, and starting the application process. Next week, there’s a research proposal to be written, and funding to be thought about.*
And this is unemployment?
Needless to say, not much crafting has happened this week, despite my plans. I did attend a weaving guild meeting on Thursday (the first time I’ve been able to go, because they meet during normal work hours), and last night IÂ managed to sit down and spin for a little bit with my new flyer. It’s coming out much finer than I was able to achieve before, and the bobbin is almost full.
I’m hoping that this will turn into enough fingering-weight 3 ply for a pair of socks. There’s not much spinning left, so we should know soon!
And I am determined that this swatch will turn into cast-on stitches for a new project by the end of the weekend.
It’s been sitting by my knitting chair since last weekend, just waiting to be measured so I can calculate a stitch count and cast on. That sounds like a reasonable goal, right?
*Just for the record, all of these are good and exciting things; just not what I’d expected to be doing this week. It might be a bit of an understatement to say that I was caught a little off guard.
Oh my, that’s a busy unemployment! All good things though. My unemployment has been less busy, but I’m always surprised at how I can still seem to not have enough hours in the day…
A new knitting project? Intriguing. I love the color of the yarn. Hopefully you will have time to get a good start this weekend!
Whew! That’s some serious busyness for you! I well know all the crazy details involved in applying for faculty positions, not to mention dealing with manuscripts – good luck
Wow, unemployment came just in time. Don’t forget to breathe amid the chaos!
Well, I hope that all these turns are good. It sounds like it and it may not be the down time you had expected, but how often is life what we expect? The spinning looks lovely . . . never can trust my monitor, but it looks like a salmony/dusty rose color to me.
You are making me nervous about my grand expectations for my retirement (coming in June)!! And you’ve got my curiosity piqued with that swatch…