Sun 30 Nov 2008
A good friend of mine called yesterday. It’s been almost a year since we last spoke. I sent her a letter in April, but never heard back. She apologized, and explained that she’d written me at least 5 replies, all of which were saved on her computer, but that she’d never gotten around to sending.
I had to laugh, because I do this all the time with the blog. There will be a great post kicking around in my head while I knit, or spin, or ride the bus, or wash the dishes. I will know exactly what I want to say, and how I want to say it. I will amuse myself for hours composing, editing, tweaking until it’s perfect. And then, I never post it.
I don’t know why this happens. The best I can come up with is distraction. I log into my computer, and a thousand things suddenly need my attention. There are emails in need of replies, deadlines that need to be met, blogs to read, and a million links to click. Hours later, I’ve answered emails, read blogs, clicked on links, and I’m exhausted. It’s usually past bedtime when I hit “hibernate” on my computer. The screen goes dark, the fan stops whirring, and in that instant I realize that I haven’t posted (which is almost always the reason that I logged on in the first place).
I am really a brilliant and witty blogger in my head. I’m even very regular about posting. But somehow, it never makes it onto the screen.
I’m not sure which I prefer; being a blogger that neglects her readers horribly, or being an excellent blogger, but only in my head.
I'm laughing over here, because I do the same thing! Often what happens to me, though, is that something more pressing comes up to blog, or I don't have time to sit down to write, and I either forget all those beautifully crafted sentences, or get distracted by the new topic. Alas… 🙂
I'm not sure that I compose all that wonderful entries in my head, but there's definitely more up there than on the blog. I sometimes think it would be easier to blog everyday than to try to post just once or twice a week!