Sun 14 Aug 2016
So much for posting more regularly, huh? June and July were a bit of a whirlwind, and now suddenly we’re half way through August. There has been some knitting time in the weekend, which is mostly represented by additional inches on the O-Wool sweater.
I’ve just started the bust increases, and am going to have to make some decisions about the colorwork yoke soon. I’m a little concerned about gauge; either my swatch lied, or something about knitting in the round has tightened it up a bit. It’s within the range where it could stretch to the desired size with blocking, but I tried it on the other night and was a little worried about the fit. That hasn’t stopped me from knitting blindly along, but I’m hoping not to have to rip back on a project of this gauge (11 sts/in).
Last night, I picked up my current big-gauge project and finished up all but the cast off.
The rainbow shawl has been all-but finished for about a month now; it’s blocked and has been worn around the house a fair amount, but it’s still waiting for those ends to be woven in. I’m not sure that I’ll wear this out of the house often, but I do really love how the colors worked out.
My internship is wrapping up in the next couple of weeks, and then the new semester starts in September. Seems like summer is all but finished, too.