Sun 29 Dec 2013
I’m still recovering from a solid week of holiday visiting, so this post will be short on words. (I seem to have run out.) I did want to get the Christmas crafting up before the end of the year, though, and that’s coming soon!
I don’t usually do much holiday crafting, since deadline crafting combined with the end of a semester is usually a really bad idea. This year there were a few projects tucked under the tree, though.
The bunny did end up with a dress (though, sadly, not a tutu).
She also got new ears, which were much floppier and more rabbit-like than the first ones. I’m much happier with the new set, though I bet my niece would have been happy with either. I sent Branden off on a last-minute trip to the fabric store looking for supplies, and he picked out the fabric and accents for the dress all on his own. Didn’t he do a good job? (You know you have a well-trained husband when he can be trusted to pick out fabric for you…)
My sister got a Tardis scarf:
She’s a big fan of Dr. Who and made a request. I had plans for a different way of making the squares, and switched to waffle weave at the last minute. Â Turns out that it makes a great Tardis. Who knew?
I absolutely loved the fabric on this one. It was thick and squishy, and there will definitely be more waffle weave on my loom. Hopefully very soon.
My other sister scored a couple of skeins of handspun (about 450 yards in total). She’s been toying with knitting lately, and so I thought it was a good time to encourage that activity with some special supplies.
A couple of holiday scarves also made it off the loom, just in time for wrapping.
The color isn’t quite right here, but the bright, holiday red wasn’t playing nice with the camera. Both were woven from the same warp (red 10/2 bamboo at 30 epi), and had different wefts. The one on the left was plainweave with kind of a blue violet color for my aunt, and the one on the right was more of a deep plum in a point twill, which I kept for myself. This picture does a much better job of showing off the color:
Together with my first Briar Rose sweater, it made the perfect Christmas outfit.
And there you have it. An unusually crafty holiday for me, and a fun one. Maybe if I start planning now, I’ll be able to do it all again next year.
So that’s it for my Christmas crafting. Hope you all had a good holiday!