Fri 1 Oct 2010
September is one of my favorite months, but this year I can’t say I’m sad to see it go. It has been a busy, busy month. This week, for instance, I’ve been home one night out of four.
This means, of course, a lot less knitting time.
Fortunately, I had some knitting that I could take on the bus, and therefore have managed to make it to the cuff of the first sleeve:
I really like the way my shoulder shaping works when I pick up stitches and knit down. I really hate knitting down from the shoulder and having to flip the whole sweater over every time I make it around the sleeve stitches. The solution?
I simply pick up and knit the sleeve shaping to the point where it joins into the round just below the armpit. Then, I cast on again with a provisional cast on and keep going. The sleeve is easy to work, it’s small enough to bring along with me, and there is no frustration and discomfort from having an unwieldy sweater attached to the little tube I’m knitting. When the sleeve is finished, I pick out the provisional cast on and graft it onto the body. I’ve done this for the last 3 sweaters, and I love the way it works. I get the shaping I want, and also manage to enjoy the sleeve knitting. And, when it’s a crazy busy week, I can work on my sweater on the bus.